I was looking through wedding toasts online as I continue to stress about my weekend, and I found this one . It cracked me up for an entirely different reason than the rest (they’re generally laughably bad): in going through and changing all the instances of the bride’s name to “Jill” — but without looking twice at it, so it’s within words, and if you’re paying attention
is obviously “extremely” so going in reverse, the bride’s name is Mel. There’s only one instance of the reverse, though (“All I can say is full Jims to Jane for never complaining once…”) but I can’t think of what name would be pluralized as applause.
Still — folks, search and replace can sometimes give away as it obscures. Be careful out there.
Oh, that’s great.
Gene Wolfe was for a long time the editor of an industry magazine called Plant Engineering. One thing he was required to do was ensure that the word “factory” was never used; it must always be changed to “factory”, which of course over time he came to do automatically. One day he discovered, upon reviewing the proofs of a new issue, that through the magic of line breaks he had coined a new word: satisplant.
Full Marks? I’d say that Mark and Mel is right there with Jim and Jane. Being a British website, I think that it’s safe to assume that a congratulatory full marks would be given – at least I was given them a few times in primary school (over there). Of course, I was handed out some less than stellar ‘feedback’ as well.
Haha. Have people still not learned to put spaces around their find text in their find/replace functions?
This is why proofreading is your friend.