Author Archives: DMZ

Dropbox rox

I need to be able to share files across machines, often really fast (go present in conference room 15N New Orleans…) and I’ve ended up using a lot of the different tools out there.

So let me just spare everyone some small amount of pain: if you need storage out there on the Internets that you can use wherever, without hassle (without having Microsoft rebrand it and foobar your system) in a way that just works like you need it to, go check out Dropbox. I give it Derek’s seal of approval.

I put in my sell order on SBUX today

I heard they chopped all their assistant managers. Assistant managers used to be the people on their way to opening their own stores, and with no stores to open, they cut the whole pay grade… which means there’s a whole class of their most competent people chopped so they can be replaced by people who suck but are lower on the pay scale.

This is Circuit City-firing-their-senior clerks low, and I want no part of it any more.

This makes me sad. For all my ranting about the Clover, I remember Starbucks for bringing good coffee to the armpit where I grew up and kicking off the quality revolution. I’ve held that stock forever.

I’m such a film schizo

Is it wrong that my reaction to reading this Netflix description

After the face of the planet is overrun by bloodthirsty vampires, special ops squad leader Commander Tao (Steven Seagal) must extinguish the menacing bloodsuckers and save the future of the human race. But for those who have survived and taken refuge in an abandoned hospital, hope is running out — as well as supplies and food. Jeff Chase, Emma Catherwood and Skye Bennett co-star in this action thriller.

Was both “this sounds like the worst movie ever made” and “I should move this to the top of my queue immediately”?

In which I vent about Games for Windows Live and DLC

I can’t wrap my head around how badly this thing is designed. It’s the worst experience I’ve ever had. Any game company that signs on for this instead of (say) Steam deserves to sell zero copies of anything.

The thing:
– there’s a Games for Windows Live standalone client. It sucks. You can log into this, but if you start a GfW-enabled game, like F3, it won’t recognize it… you have to login again.
– if you playing before w/o GfWL, and start playing it with it, you’re screwed for save games etc. Which is nutty.
– for reasons I cannot fathom, Fallout 3 will not connect within the game
– once you decide to use GfWL within Fallout 3, you have a new set of problems..

So pretty much, buying the downloadable content for Fallout 3 went like this:
– go slog through installing a stupid client
– pay some money
– download it
– it doesn’t work
– much frustration

I’m no closer now to playing this than I was when I started. I have zero clue what went wrong, or why, or what to do about it. This is horrible. The value of this expansion so far is like -$50.